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Friday Night in Kansas City

Printed From: Madeleine Peyroux
Category: General
Forum Name: Madeleine
Forum Discription: Discussion of all things Madeleine
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 12:41am
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Topic: Friday Night in Kansas City
Posted By: Sasha
Subject: Friday Night in Kansas City
Date Posted: March 21 2009 at 8:26am
Hello friends    Smile

I am a new forum member having happily stumbled in to the fabulous world of Madeleine's Peyroux's music.

I am currently in Kansas City here on a business and a colleague treated me to the most amazing show last night - Madeleine Peyroux at the Folly Theatre.  I was entranced the whole night.  Her voice is something else and the music so sumptuous!  I was in heaven.  I am an instant devotee. 

My colleague (thanks Sal) put me on to this forum and has introduced me to all of Madeleine's albums.  She entrances me. I now feel like a born again music fanatic.

Here is a review of the show from the local rag.  If you get the chance to go see her this summer do NOT squander it.

Glad to have her music in my world.


Review | Madeleine Peyroux


Special to The Star


Before playing the final song of the night, Madeline Peyroux told how "Somethin' Grand" was written around 4 in the morning, when the trucks on the nearby highway finally stopped buzzing past her Brooklyn apartment.

Most of the music Peyroux played for a sold-out edition of Cypress Avenue Live at the Folly Theater on Friday night fit that contemplative, midnight mood.

The atmosphere was struck with the first song, "Dance Me to the End of Love." Darren Beckett's gently brushed drums and Barak Mori's subtle and sometimes sweeping bass lines created a bed for music that blurred the lines between jazz, folk and pop.

"Don't Wait Too Long," the third number up, was a showcase for the other two members of Peyroux's band. Jon Herrington's guitar had a warm tone sounded like molasses dripping off the fretboard. Larry Goldings spent the night switching between piano, organ and keyboards. His earthy, gospel organ playing was the backbone of several numbers. Peyroux's smoky voice and phrasing, which often recalled Billie Holiday, was the evening's stand-out instrument, though.

Posted By: Jerry
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 11:25am
I too just found this forum, However I have been a Madeleine fan for some time now. I also was at the show in Kansas City at the Folly. The sound was great and it beign a small theater it was an up close show. However I think she would be even better in a Dinner theater setting or Coffee house a bit closer and more intimate. After spending the previous week in Memphis enjoying the Blues and coming to KC on the way home. Myself, my wife and 13 year old son enjoyed the show. It was his first dose of live Jazz. I think he was bitten by the bug. My exact intent. Sounds like it worked for you too.

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