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webmaster’s promise

Printed From: Madeleine Peyroux
Category: General
Forum Name: Madeleine
Forum Discription: Discussion of all things Madeleine
Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 2:31pm
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Topic: webmaster’s promise
Posted By: bethune
Subject: webmaster’s promise
Date Posted: November 04 2007 at 2:34am
I have been interested in the law suit regarding Got You On My Mind since
I read an article in the Boston Globe a few years ago

I remembered Rich Hansen promising that he would post a link to any
website regarding the law suit. (see below). I'm sure we all expect Rich to
keep his word.

This evening I saw that a website regarding that lawsuit has been posted
on the web. It is truly incredible. The address is:

I think the website is very important for anybody who cares about
Madeleine. Your eyes will be opened.

Posted: July 28 2005 at 8:32pm | IP Logged     
This Discussion Board was created to allow free and open discussion
about Madeleine and her music.

Within limits discussions of non musical topics are allowed and even

However recently the board has been hijacked by one person and one

The topic, the controversy and circumstances surrounding the making
and rights to Got You On My Mind and the legal wraggling and fallout
from that have been beaten to death and the person responsible for most
of the post does not seem to be able to stop posting the same thing over
and over again.

If posting on this topic continues as it has in past this discussion board
will be shutdown indefinitely.

This is not censorship since anyone can start a discussion board at no
cost at anytime. I'll even put a link to it on the website. BUT this
board will no longer be home to this topic.

Immediately William Galison is banned from this board. All posts about
this topic or discussions about this decision will be summarily deleted
with no warning or discussion. Again if you don't like it go somewhere
else and create your own board. This board is supported with my hard
earned personal dollars and I will decide what goes on it.

Discussion about the music on Got You On My Mind is ok. If you like or
dislike the album or songs lets hear from you.

As you may be able to tell I am angry about this whole affair and my
patience has reached its limits.

Although I will gladly discuss this to a limited extent with anyone (except
Mr. Galison) this decision is final.

For those members who have used this board for is legitimate purpose I
hope to be able to keep the board open but if it closes I apologize.

And for all you conspiracy theorists, I have had not communications with
Rounder or anyone else on decision. I have been pondering what to do
about this situation for over a month. I had hoped things would quiet
down but no longer believe that.

Rich Hanson

Posted By: bethune
Date Posted: November 04 2007 at 2:13pm
Apologies. The website address for the website about the lawsuit that I
posted was wrong. It is: - http://

Posted By: WebMaster
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 6:18pm
Just so everyone knows. I did indeed delete a topic that bethune started last night and deleted another one about 'technical problems'.

I have requested that bethune use this topic to discuss the lawsuit. There is no need to start numerous topics on the same subject. This topic will do fine.

That said everyone please keep this discussion low keyed.

I personally have no desire to discuss this issue nor will I participate other then to moderate the board.

Again keep things civil, realize that everyone has a different opinion on this issue and that I doubt anyone will change anyone elses mind.

Rich Hanson -

Posted By: mushroombreath
Date Posted: November 08 2007 at 9:49pm
I could not read the whole website (it is too big!) but what I did read is
rather shocking.

I checked Madeleine's lawyer on Google and he is really a mafia lawyer! If
Galison tells lies about the lawyers they will sue him (or kill him!)

Serioulsy Such a big effort by Mr. Galison should deserve a answer from
Ms. Peyroux.

If it is true that Madeeine's lawyers has told lies to her about William then
she should make an apology, because she was saying waht they told her.

Lawyers are the same in every country, but America is the worst!!!


Posted By: Carolina
Date Posted: November 08 2007 at 10:07pm
Interesting incognito attempt.

Posted By: bethune
Date Posted: November 09 2007 at 5:50pm
Dear "Carolina"

you wrote: <<Interesting incognito attempt>>

What an interesting thing for you to say. First of all, it's pretty unlikely
that "mushroombreath" is that person's real name. Secondly, this website
is a costume ball! Your name isn't "Carolina" and my name isn't "Bethune"

As far as I can see the only person that ever had the courage to use his
real name ever on this website was William Galison, who was promptly
banned from the site. (No wonder everybody is incognito!).

Your note seems to be an example of the "pot" calling the "kettle" "black".
If you want to tell us your real identity then maybe you'll start a trend and
we'll all be who we really are.

You people who object to William's "open letter" are so vitriolic! Any body
who actually reads the "open letter" will see that it is supportive of
Madeleine, and says nothing bad about her. It only criticizes her lawyers
and manager, who it seems to me deserve it for lying to Madeleine and
getting her into a legal mess for all this time.

If they didn't lie to Madeleine then Madeleine lied under oath, because
Madeleine says they told her untrue stuff about why Rounder cancelled
her contract. Are you saying that Madeleine lied under oath?

The only people who could possibly object to the open letter are her
lawyers and manager. Which are you?

In cognito,


Posted By: Verity
Date Posted: November 09 2007 at 9:47pm
This really is boring now. The link to William's text is there for all to read.
Should they choose to. I't really is not worth responding to posts on this
site in this way as it ends up degrading you. You do not know Carolina
- and you do not know who she is. You are simply making wild
suppositions. As wild as my own suggestion that Bethune and
Mushroombreath could be one in the same person. You should take
care the style used by Mushroombreathe, Bethune and indeed the
good Mr Galison are all too similar.   And the only vitriole that I can
detect is in these posts.   

Let's leave this topic here and let those who want to indulge in further
reading use the link posted earlier in this topic.   Willliam has in the
minutest tedious detail presented his case ... Let it be.


Posted By: arkin
Date Posted: November 19 2007 at 11:54pm
I've known William Galison since the eighties and I've played music with
him a dozen times at least. I played with Madeleine a couple of times with
Ron Sunshine's band. Both of them know who I am. I remember when
they were together thinking they were a cute couple and a good tream.
Then William sent me the link to the "open letter" and I was like "Oh for
christs's sake, here he goes again", I read most of it and I have to say it
got me mad.

Anybody who's tried to make a living as a musician in New York knows its
hard enough to scratch out a living wthout dealing with crap like this. I
wonn't comment on most of the letter but there is one thing I do know
about. When Madeleine wrote to the Jazzpolice reporter (under a different
name!) and said that Sting fired William from the band because of his
behavior, thats a load of crap. I know a few of the players that toured with
Sting and I remember asking about why William didn't get that gig. I
asked because William was really upset when that happened. The way I
heard it, Sting decided not to use a harmonica player on that tour, period,
end of story. Everybody knows William is as good as you get on the
harmonica. William used to have a reputation for being late, but he was
always well liked and highly respected among the musicians that knew
him. I know for a fact that he;s been on long tours on the past few years
so they must be asking him back.

Madeleine has a different reputation, but I won't go into that here. On one
of the videos Madeleine says that she said those thing about William
because she was mad at him. You don't try to ruin a person's career
because you're mad at someone. If William said something untrue you set
the record straight, you don't spread lies about why a person lost a gig.
That's like career murder. And ias far as I can see it turns out William
didn't even say anything untruel. Of all the crap in that letter, that was the
thing that got me maddest. For christ's sake, Madeleine, the least you can
do is apologize. William said something true that you thought was false
and so you said something false to get back at him and now you won't
apologize? Whats wrong with this picture?

William has mentioned that he is in this case with Madeleine and the
wordis that he;s obsessed with it. To be honest, I didn't know much or
care much about it before, because i don't like anything to do with law
suits, but this is B***S***. I finally understand why William has such a bug
up his butt.

Madeleine, you were struggling just a few years ago. You were playing on
the street for christ's sake. Why do you want to screw up the career of
another musician and good guy who's just trying to get by. You are not
making a lot of friends in the New York scene by acting this way.

That's all I have to say.

Posted By: arkin
Date Posted: November 19 2007 at 11:58pm
Amd one more thing. To you people like "Verity" who think this is boring. It
may be boring to you, but its not boring to musicians. Most of us have been
reamed by lawyers and record companies. Hats off to William for standing
up to this kind of crap. Its not even Madeleine he's complaining about- its
her lawyers, so what;s your beef? And as for Crolina, your new age crap
about harnmony is really not applicable here. Your'e not the one getting
screwed. You try making a living as a musician in New York.


Pissed off

Posted By: Carolina
Date Posted: November 20 2007 at 3:11pm
I am a working musician, making a living at in NYC through the many
personal and professional struggles all artists experience.   
I am well aware of the business reputations of both these musicians
I meant every word I've said in my previous posts -
and this is my last post.
Again, this is a supportive site for those who love Madeleine and her
music -
not for people to say unkind, inflammatory things about an unfortunate,
complex private matter.     
My comment about harmony is indeed entirely applicable here.   
Have faith, Madeleine, and thank you for bringing so much joy to
countless music lovers with your talent and grace.

Posted By: McClellan
Date Posted: November 22 2007 at 10:57pm
The career of an established, well respected, immensely talented musician
who has been working in this city for three decades and has successfully
collaborated with countless other well known, respected musicians cannot
be ruined (“murdered”) by a much younger musician who says that he was
fired from a job twenty years ago for his behavior. That story has been
around long before Ms. Peyroux was on the scene - and people will believe
what they want to believe. Let’s listen to the brilliant music that both these
incredible artists have created and hope they continue to put their energy
and passion into that.    

Posted By: arkin
Date Posted: November 23 2007 at 10:56pm

Am I crazy, or am I reading an entirely different "open letter to Madeleine Peyroux" then the rest of you? or did you just make up your mind without reading the letter at all. Maybe I'm the only person in the world who actually read the whole letter and checked the links. I think if you did that you wouldn't be so quick to say that William is making a fuss about nothing.

Mclellan, Accusing a person of "numerous incidents of physical abuse" is as close to career murder as you can get. I know for a fact William has played with Streissand and Carly Simon and Peggy Lee to name a few. I know he playes with other younger singers like Madeleine. NOBODY would play with a person who has committed numerous incidents of physocal abuse. No woman who heard these accusations would allow him in the studio or the stage with her. Can you imagine Streissand saying "oh its okay to hire William Galison as long as we have an armed guard raedy to take him out if he tries anything". If I really believed that a musician had physically abused another musician I damnn sure wouldn't take him on a tour or even use him on a gig. Not because I'm afraid but because i don't put up with anybody who is violent. The fact that Madeleine is younger has absolutely nothing to do with it, unless I'm missing something.

If Madeleine (or her lawyer) didn't murder William's career, it wasn't because they didn't try. If william doesn't lose work because of Madeleine's accusations, it is only because the  people who hire him didn't hear about the accusations or because they think Madeleine is a liar. Madeleine says she was going to have him arrested for criminal harassment.  Madeleien's manager (who runs a record company with the owner of the Blue Note) told the owner of the Blue Note that William was planning on smashing up the Blue Note when she was playing there and they put up his picture so the bouncer could throw him out. I heard that directly from a friend who does sound at the Blue Note. If William's manager was a friend of the owner of the Blue Note and told him that Madeleine was a crack addict and was planning on robbing the cash register, and they banned her from the place, what do you think Madeleine's army of lawyers would do about that? Would you say that Madelien was making a fuss about nothing?

Do you think Rounder records would ever give William a contract after they basically told Madeleine's lawyer to shut him down?

William says that he will never know who else was told that he's a violent person and what work he will lose because of it.  I totally understand why that drives him crazy. Madeleine at least told a journalist that many women "don't survive" William. What the hell is a journalist suppose to think that means, especially when she;s already accused him of physical abuse? And when you tell a journalist something, you expect them to report it. Madeleine didn't even use her own name. She pretended to be someone else who knew about Wiliam's so called "violent behavior". That is totally not cool and I would call it attempted career murder at least. Attempted murder is still a major crime and attempted career murder isn't any less evil just because they don't succeed.

Madeleine is a huge international star who can hire mafia lawyers and block William from playing at the best clubs or getting contracts with the best labels. What the hell can William do to defend himself? Seems to me he's doing the best he can, and God bless him for that.

What the hell does Madeleine being younger than william have to do with it? Arte you sayng that nobody will believe her because she's only thirty something years old? That's a laugh.

Last of all, William is a brilliant musician like you say. Many people in the community think he's more than that. If he screws up his own career and doesn't get the rec

Posted By: WebMaster
Date Posted: November 24 2007 at 9:48am
I am closing this topic before it gets out of hand.

To everyone, lets move on. Everything about this topic is now layed out, links to Williams info are there.

Any additional topics on this matter will be deleted.

Lets talk about the music not this.

Rich Hanson -

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