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DC Concert Oct 28 - What happened?

Printed From: Madeleine Peyroux
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Topic: DC Concert Oct 28 - What happened?
Posted By: MMarion
Subject: DC Concert Oct 28 - What happened?
Date Posted: October 28 2006 at 11:02am
Went to my first Peyroux concert last night...won't do that again.  A friend loaned me her first album to listen to, which I found intriguing and which gave me high hopes for the concert, but her voice isn't the same in person.  As the person who commented about Peyroux's NY concert, she was acting a bit strange at the outset but that seemed to wear off by the end...  My friend noticed the same thing and as we were departing the concert hall I overheard the people seated in back of us discussing the matter as well...curious about what was causing the strange behavior.

Posted By: lulu
Date Posted: October 28 2006 at 3:23pm
Dear Marion

Sorry to hear you experience in DC was disappointing. I just saw
Madeleine in NYC - it was a great show. As I posted earlier check out
Madeleine's live recording with KCRW - it has footage of the recording
and you'll see it is the real thing. Better in some ways than the Album in
fact as you get little personal touches and see how much she enjoys the

Perhaps it was the acoustics in the Hall in DC - who knows.
Continue to enjoy the music.


Posted By: Jazz Runner
Date Posted: October 28 2006 at 4:35pm

I too was somewhat disappointed in the DC show.  The warm up singer did 6 peculiar songs and people in my section thought that he was a mistake.  45 minutes elapsed and Peyroux came on.

She looked disheveled and her timing was terrible on Blue Alert.  Her voice seemed horse.  I had the general impression that she was late to the gig.  To her credit, she got more and more comfortable as the show progressed and whatever issues she had with the first songs dissipated as the show continued.   Her band was extraordinary. 

I was disappointed on several fronts.  First, I don't think she played anything from Dreamland.  Second, her set was relatively short with 1 quick encore.  Third, she is somewhat awkward in her comments to the crowd.  Her comments between songs were odd.  In addition, she seems to have let herself go physically.  She has gained weight since I saw her two years ago.  Despite a challenging show, she and the band still had some magnificent numbers where her phraseology, timing, and voice were stunning.  Highlights were Smile, Careless Love, songs from the new CD in general, and the Cohen song.

My conclusion is that Lisner with several thousand seats was too big for her and the band and that something was wrong with the start of the show.  I will see her again but would rather see her in a more intimate setting (several hundred not thousand).  She is truly gifted but not a polished performer.  Listening to her music on a rainy Sunday is the best way to enjoy her talent.  The show had moments of greatness but was uneven.  She seems like a great person and i was happy some of the ticket proceeds were going to the homeless.

Posted By: MMarion
Date Posted: October 28 2006 at 6:18pm
Jazz Runner,

You hit the highlights of the night perfectly.   I found Phil Roy's (opening act) guitar music rather pleasing, but the lyrics were totally off-putting...almost as if they were a contrived throwback to the 1960's because otherwise it didn't make any sense.  My reaction was "What world is he living in?" 

And I agree Madelene's voice sounded compared to her published records.  Don't know what would cause that (have my suspicions), but if she can't sing as well "live" as she can "recorded" then she needs to rethink what she is doing...

For me, Lisner Auditorium IS intimate...I'm used to Wolf Trap and Marjorie Meriwether Post Pavilion.  The last time I was at Lisner was for a Ute Lemper concert...what a professional!

What struck me about last night was an absence of a professional act.  Peyroux's band was indeed exceptional:  keyboard, drums, bass, trumpet.  But there was no "star" of the act.  Peyroux was indeed present last night---but only as an adjunct of the band.

Peyroux SHOULD BE THE STAR of this event!  It's HER VOICE which prompted us to come...but it wasn't delivered, unfortunately.

Posted By: MrMerkin
Date Posted: October 29 2006 at 9:27am

I’m not sure either what was going on at the DC show. It was my first time seeing Peyroux live, so I have nothing to compare the show to.


One person opined in this forum that maybe Lisner Auditorium was too large or not intimate enough for Peyroux. I don’t think that is the case. Lisner is a very intimate venue, and when I saw Jackson Browne there on his solo tour about two years ago, it was like sitting in his living room listening to him play requests for friends.


As others have noted, Peyroux did seem a bit disjointed during the first few numbers. She sounded almost like she might be hyperventilating. I hate to admit it, but the thoughts crossed my mind during the first 10 minutes: Is she drunk/high? Or, is she like Carly Simon and suffers from stage fright?


Further, after the long lull (about 45 minutes) between the brief opening act and the appearance of Peyroux on stage, her first comments to the audience were simply the trite “How are you all doing tonight?” – and she waited until after the second song to say that. I would’ve expected something less generic like, “Sorry about the wait” or “Did you think we weren’t going to show?” or even something like “So, we’ll find out if it’s better late than never.”


Perhaps she was just having a bad day/night. After all, it happens to all of us sometimes. Plus, she has been on tour for a while, and the weather in DC that Friday night was miserable – a steady, cold autumn rain. Either of those two elements could take a toll on health, in general, and the larynx, in specific. To her credit, she labored on like a pro. One thing that seemed to help is  a warm, enthusiastic audience, and she appeared to warm to their vibe as the show went on. There is no question that she is an incredible singer with enviable phrasing and “feel” for her songs. Plus, I’d rather hear an artist of Peyroux’s stature struggle with her own voice and persevere on what might have been a challenging night for her than listen to non-talents like Britney or Ashlee lip-synch.  The longer the show went (it clocked in at about 85 minutes, including the encore), the better Peyroux got. By the time she got to Randy Newman’s “I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today” at the one-hour mark there was incredible poignancy in her voice.


The concert leaned heavily on songs from her new CD. I would’ve liked to have heard “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go” and “Walking After Midnight” (especially since Patsy Cline’s roots are in nearby Winchester, Va., and Cline’s first major exposure came via Jimmy Dean’s TV show from DC). But

Posted By: Spiff
Date Posted: November 03 2006 at 6:57am

I didn't enjoy Madeline's performance in Washington DC last month either. She was disjointed, flaky, and frankly, seemed stoned. There were several people who left the concert who said the same thing. Additionally, a couple of hundred people left the concert before the end, something which I almost never see. I love her albums, but while I'm willing to go see some performers half in the bag, she isn't one of them. A huge disappointment in person.

Posted By: Daisy
Date Posted: November 03 2006 at 12:10pm

I have been following this forum for a while and first posted after seeing Madeleine perform at Town Hall here in New York.  It was one of the most enjoyable live performances I have been to at Town Hall - the combination of Odetta and then Madeleine was, for me, perfect. 

I find the debate that that is ongoing in this forum curious.   Curious as it seems that there are two camps both of which it seems are want to convert the other.  There are those of us that appreciate understated performance, can as TomKWS asked us to do sit back and relax, with no expectations and find it.  Value the performance for what it is and savour the music.  There are others that want the whole shabang, want to see a star, a diva, polished and poised with all the bells and whistles and when they don't get it, some seem a little resentful and angry at the performer.  Speculating and adding commentary that I feel claims and demand too much.

It is clear that Madeleine's style is not for all.  That's okay isn't it? I don't care much for Jamie Cullum's over the top forced performance style and probably won't see him again live.  I too dislike the sacchrined veneer of super polished performers, you never quite know what is real and what is not.  But, this is my own preference.

I for one will definitely see Madeleine live again, and look forward to her return to the NY area. 

Best   Daisy 



Posted By: Spiff
Date Posted: November 03 2006 at 1:32pm


Understand your comment. But here is my perspective. I had seen Madeline one before almost ten years ago and loved her. I have her three CDs and had a great time. I took three friends to this concert and wanted to turn them onto her. We got there at 8PM and there was another act to open for her. He played for about3 5 minutes and then left the stage. The light actually came up, and there was an "intermission" for about twenty minutes. No notice why, no nothing. There was a fair amount of grumping in the audience. It was clear that she, and or her band was going to start late for some reason. When she did start, it appeared, strongly, that she was, well, stoned. She was all over the place, said the same things over and over again between breaks, and was no where as crisp as she was the first time I saw her. I'd say at least 100 people left early, while she was still singling, which is very rare. Basically it was an unprofessional performance. No a performance that I might not artistically care for, but (in my opinion) and unprofessional one. So much, in fact that one of my friends actually called the venue to complain, and was told to contact the performer if we had that type of issue. So I guess in a round about way, that is what I'm doing.

Posted By: RonJon
Date Posted: November 03 2006 at 4:14pm

Right on Spiff. It has nothing to do with an artist adopting some slick Vegas pesona or a bevy of canned one-liners. It's about them representing their music. I've seen Rickie Lee Jones & Stevie Ray Vaughan ripped out of their gord...but the music/art never suffered & they didn't distract us with an attempt to chit chat.

Again after literally 100's of live shows over 30 years...I've never seen people leaving in droves midway through a show, a show of an artist that they have supported with record/CD sales. Stale performance aside, she was blatantly pissed with the venue...and the crowd put up with her in-between song ramblings. How do we sit back & relax as TomKWS suggests, when she is distracting us from the music???

I believe she has had plently of "on" peformances...Portland Oregon wasn't one of them!

Posted By: tommy
Date Posted: November 06 2006 at 1:08pm
o dear i am a newcomer to madeleines music cd only did she record you do something to me that i heard on the bbc chelsea flower show this year


Posted By: saramadi
Date Posted: November 08 2006 at 8:52am
say what?


Posted By: Spiff
Date Posted: November 08 2006 at 12:36pm
OK tommy.  Step away from the bong........

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