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Fair warning!!!

Printed From: Madeleine Peyroux
Category: General
Forum Name: Announcements
Forum Discription: Announcements
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 12:32am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.53 -

Topic: Fair warning!!!
Posted By: WebMaster
Subject: Fair warning!!!
Date Posted: July 28 2005 at 8:32pm
This Discussion Board was created to allow free and open discussion about Madeleine and her music.

Within limits discussions of non musical topics are allowed and even encouraged.

However recently the board has been hijacked by one person and one topic.

The topic, the controversy and circumstances surrounding the making and rights to Got You On My Mind and the legal wraggling and fallout from that have been beaten to death and the person responsible for most of the post does not seem to be able to stop posting the same thing over and over again.

If posting on this topic continues as it has in past this discussion board will be shutdown indefinitely.

This is not censorship since anyone can start a discussion board at no cost at anytime. I'll even put a link to it on the website. BUT this board will no longer be home to this topic.

Immediately William Galison is banned from this board. All posts about this topic or discussions about this decision will be summarily deleted with no warning or discussion. Again if you don't like it go somewhere else and create your own board. This board is supported with my hard earned personal dollars and I will decide what goes on it.

Discussion about the music on Got You On My Mind is ok. If you like or dislike the album or songs lets hear from you.

As you may be able to tell I am angry about this whole affair and my patience has reached its limits.

Although I will gladly discuss this to a limited extent with anyone (except Mr. Galison) this decision is final.

For those members who have used this board for is legitimate purpose I hope to be able to keep the board open but if it closes I apologize.

And for all you conspiracy theorists, I have had not communications with Rounder or anyone else on decision. I have been pondering what to do about this situation for over a month. I had hoped things would quiet down but no longer believe that.

Rich Hanson

Posted By: WebMaster
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 5:24pm
Just wanted to update things since William Galison has now filed a lawsuit against Madeleine.

I will post links to news articles about the lawsuit at - .

However discussions about the lawsuit and / or its merits are not valid topics for this board and will be removed.  This is a continuation of the policy anounnced in the previous post.

Let's enjoy the music and let the courts take their course.

Rich Hanson -

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