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I found you after 15 years...

Printed From: Madeleine Peyroux
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Forum Name: Madeleine
Forum Discription: Discussion of all things Madeleine
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 12:35am
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Topic: I found you after 15 years...
Posted By: luciarap
Subject: I found you after 15 years...
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 9:07am
... I can't believe it myself: I just discovered that you, Madeleine,
are the little girl I saw and heard singing on the road, in Paris,
about 15 years ago. I was 14-15 years old at that time, and I
was in Paris on holiday, with my parents and a friend. I was
walking with Sara in Place Vendome and saw a group of
people applauding a little band: they were wearing clothes of
the thirties and playing a wonderful music. We got near and I
realized that the song was gorgeous and the little girl singing
was a kind of phenomenon. As I was really strucked from her
voice, Sara din't manage to take me away from the crowd to go
back to the hotel. All night long I lived in a kind of dream: I was
'bewitched' and I kept repeating in my mind the few words I
could understand of the song. For 15 years I never forgot that
night and tryed to find the title of a song saying "Mama give me
hell", but I couldn't. Finally, a few days ago I typed theese words
on the internet and found a title "Was I" and a singer, the only
one who appeared in relation to this song: Madeleine Peyroux.
I serched for your site and reconised your face, then I read you
really sang for years on the roads of Paris...

Thank you for having made me dream for so long,

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